Keyhole Garden Part III - Planting Time


If you're a hard-boiled recycler with an open compost pile, you may have seen this kind of thing in there after a rainy winter:

So on the left it looks like we have a squash or gourd (I'm thinking pumpkin) and on the right, well... I'm not sure, but I'll give it a chance.  The transplant is painless- just scoop each plant out with a portion of its current growing medium, put each in a temporary container, and bring them over to their new home.  Don't you love a good mystery?

Here's the starting lineup for the 2012 keyhole garden:

Wearing the light blue A is an inner ring of bell pepper;

Adorned with the yellow B is an outer ring of hot chili peppers, mostly serrano chilis;

Sporting the red C is a collection of drought-tolerant tomato strains;

My mystery transplants are circled in orange. 

Also- note the big wad of cleavers (spring weeds) at the top of the central basket.  Remember, the sustainable gardening method makes excellent use of any/all compostable biomass, so I make sure all my pulled weeds take their final rest in the middle of the garden.

Even though this is designed as a drought-zone garden, everything gets a good soak to start out.  We'll come back in a week to check the progress.
