Give the People What They Want!

This is the manifestation of a long-overdue promise; many people forming the values list for %1 have asked about some things I have been doing since the year began.

So what's with some of this snobby-geeky vernacular, and what's with the blog title?
It's a reference to very basic menu/batch scripting from MS-DOS days.  The percent sign (%) represents a parameter value, kind of a placeholder; the numbers represent each distinct instance of where a parameter value is called.

OK, that's still too geeky.

Let's just say it like this- "%1" could be my spouse, my relative, my neighbor, my kid, my kid's friend, etc.; "%2" is me and all my relational titles, e.g. husband, brother, neighbor, dad, friend's dad. So just interchange those values as needed, and they all point back to me... computer guy.  Who, in being as such, can answer any IT question, or offer a qualified opinion on any new computer purchasing decision , or tell you why the 'check engine' light keeps turning on in your car.  I mean, "%2's a computer guy- he'll know.  Right?"

So let me dispel the myths and show what I know.
